20 January 2010

Dorm Life

Me + awesome suite mates + stoners across the hall + stoners down the hall + elephants upstairs + crazy drunk guys + random drunk girls + nothing ever on TV + occassional boredom = DORM LIFE (in Chapel Glen 804, UofU)

Dorm life is nothing short of an experience. In my room, things are pretty normal and my suite mates are awesome! But, there are some let's say "interesting" characters in my building. In the room across the hall from my own, live two guys. There are funny and nice, but they also like their friends Mary Jane and Jack Daniels quite a bit. Then in the room directly on the other side of my wall, live two more guys. I have never personally met these two, but they are skater/boarder guys. They feel like it is necessary to skate board in the middle of the hallway and in their room. They are also friends with Mary Jane. The hallway always smells like dead skunk, from trying to cover up the smell of their friend, and frankly its annoying. In the room directly above me, live (wanna guess??) two more guys! These guys always have their friends over and I swear they never sleep. I don't even remember the last time when they were actually quiet. It constantly sounds like a wrestling match is going on above me. The two guys amd their friends sound like a heard of elephants...either they don't care with how loud they are or they are too dumb to figure out that the people below can hear them! They also think that showering at 3 and 4 in the morning is a great idea. Then of course, being in college, there are the people who always find it necessary to get hammered. Somehow after partying, everyone ends up in my building. If it only happened on the weekends, this would be a different story, but it happens pretty much everyday and night. The guys are not as annoying as the girls because they tend to me more calm and just chill. The girls on the other hand are very loud and obnoxious! They always find the need to scream or yell and they also like to run, which is just a bad idea. For one, they can't even walk straight, so why would it be a good idea to run in a confined area; for two, they are usually close to the point of passing out, so any extra physical activity is bad news; and for three, when they are drunk the step louder when they walk, so when they run , it sounds like a stampede. Add nothing good is ever really on cable TV and you have my life in the dorm.
Don't get me wrong, I love being on my own and being able to have certain experiences, I just wish some experiences were limited. When it comes to hanging out with friends and being able to come and go as you please, dorm life is amazing. That side really needs to start over-ruling the other side...once that happens, dorm life would be perfect. Too bad their really is no such thing as perfect.

08 January 2010

Important information that everyone NEEDS to know! :)

People are forever asking each other things like: what is your favorite color? food? ice cream? sport? movie? book? if you were stranded on an island and could only take 5 things with you what would they be? The list can go on and on. So my goal today is to fill everyone in on what some of my favorite things are and what I like to do :)



20 of the Favs!

  1. Color = Baby Blue
  2. Food type = Mexican
  3. Food item = Shells! (my family's version of homemade tostadas)
  4. Snack Foods = Chex mix, Goldfish, Cheez-Its
  5. Ice Cream = Chocolate Better Batter (found only at Maggie Moo's)
  6. Sport = Soccer
  7. Movie = Grease!! (followed closely by The Lion King and Aladdin!!)
  8. Book = I love tooooooo many to pick a favorite! I love 'em all!!
  9. Fast Food Restaurant = Subway
  10. TV Shows = Law & Order: SVU, One Tree Hill, Make it or Break it, etc.
  11. Board Game = Scattergories (not technically a board game, but same idea)
  12. Soda = Dr. Pepper
  13. Juice = Grape
  14. Cereal = Cocoa Pebbles, Cookie Crisp, Quaker Oatmeal Squares
  15. Store in the Mall = Aeropostale, American Eagle, PacSun
  16. College Football Team = BOISE STATE BRONCOS!! (Fiesta Bowl champs '07 & '10!!)
  17. Music = Country, Alternative Rock, Classic Rock
  18. Candy Bar = Reese's Whipps, Kit-Kat
  19. Candy = Cherry Starbursts
  20. Season = Autumn

Stranded on an Isand!

  1. Books!! I love to read and if I was going to be stuck in the same place for an extended period of time, I would definitely want a variety of reading.
  2. My Ipod!! Life without music would be sad and empty. I would need music to keep life exciting on the island...I mean what is a tropical island with no tunes? LAME!
  3. My laptop!! The island would obviously have wireless internet and I could stay in touch with everyone and up to date on current events! I could also do my journaling on the computer, eliminating the need for notebooks :)
  4. My Camera!! I need to be able to take pictures of all the beautiful surroundings! My trip needs to be documented!
  5. That special guy!! What kind of life would you lead on a deserted island if you didn't have that sexy eye-candy?! Definitely need to have your stud right by your side! (Dennis...pack your bags!! hehe) 
Well there you have it...a little insight on the things I love! Enjoy!


07 January 2010

It is now 2010! This is going to be a year full of accomplishment and satisfaction. I am determined to make this the best year yet! With the help of family, friends, and that special someone, this is something that can actually happen.

I have never really done the whole New Year's Resolution list. On the rare occassion I did, all i did was talk about it...I never wrote it down, never really stuck to anything. This year, that is changing. I am making a list and I am going to do everything in my power to achieve every goal I set. What are those goals? I am not completely sure yet...but let me assure you, they will be good ones! School will be a major priority of the year. Also, on the top of the list, being a better person in this year, than i was in the last.

With starting a new decade, comes the opportunity for a whole new self. Who will you be over these next ten years? What kind of relative, friend, spouse, partner will you be? What will people have to say about you when they look back on the past decade?