28 October 2010

NanoWrimo 2010...and a little extra news

During the month of November this really awesome event happens, NanoWrimo, a.k.a. National Novel Writing Month. You basically register for a month of literary and creativity hell, hoping in the end you will have prevailed and written your very own novel! Well, this year, I have decided to take on this challenge. Whether I am setting myself up for failure or for greatness is debatable, but all I know is I am going to give it one hell of a shot! From 12:00am on November 1st to 12:00pm November 30th the goal is to write 50,000+ words. In order to even come close to that, you need a story that can take you at least that far…or a story in general, which is something at this point I am lacking. Only 4 days until I am supposed to be starting and I have NO IDEA what I am going to write about. Any suggestions?! I better think of one real quick or there will be no fist pump of victory happening and no certificate saying “You are such a bad-ass! You kicked novel writing square in the face!”. I attempted this once before during my junior year in high school, but I failed miserably. I became too busy with sports and schoolwork and writing that I actually had to do, so NanoWrimo got pushed to the back burner and never made it back up front. So my goal this time around is to write as much as I can everyday and make it to that 50,000+ word count! I hope the second time goes much better than the first.
On another note, life in Phoenix is going pretty well I would say. Ya know, except for the no job and no new friends thing…haha. I am really enjoying being around my family again, but I really miss all my friends back in Utah…and Idaho. There is also this one particular guy who has gotten my attention, for a second time. He is really amazing and pretty much perfect. He always says super cute/sweet things to me and we have a ton in common. Also, he is very, very attractive…which we all know is definitely a nice thing. We talk a lot which is good, but it would be fantastic if we were in the same state still, that way it could be a lot more than talking. Dates would be nice and if we could squeeze in a little kissing, I would not be upset about that. He is a pre-med/pysch major graduating this year from the University of Utah and he is thinking about coming to grad school in Arizona! That is definitely something I am hoping happens lol. I hope to be able to visit Salt Lake City soon, so I can not only see him, but also my bestest friend in the whole world…and probably some other people too. I just need to find this magic money somewhere that is going to pay for a bunch of plane tickets to visit them A LOT! One can dream right ;-) haha.   

24 October 2010

"I'm gonna get you..."-Life

Every now and again, when you think things are going really smooth, life jumps out and gets ya! Well life, you got me pretty damn good this time.
I grew up in the Boise area of Idaho and really enjoyed it. I made it through elementary and junior high school without any big problems. I did pretty well in high school, until my senior year and I decided to be a total goof off…BAD IDEA! I got very far behind in homework assignments, started failing almost all my classes and lied to my parents about it. Like always, they eventually found out and my ass got straight to work on all those missing assignments. After some hard work and a lot of late nights, I was able to enjoy the end of senior year, graduate with high honors, and get into a great university. I had a great boyfriend and we decided to go to school together at the University of Utah. I spent all summer getting everything packed up and ready for my first step into the real world…college in Salt Lake City, Utah. Summer vacation went by super quickly and before I knew it I was saying goodbye to my mom, papa and grandma, after they had dropped me off and helped move me into my dorm. School started off pretty well. I made a lot of new friends and classes weren’t too difficult. I spent a lot of time on extra-curricular activities and not so much on studying, but during my first semester that was working for me. Christmas break came and went, and when I got back for second semester I fell into that same routine of all play and no homework; this time it did not fly so well. I started really struggling in classes and soon I became a bit too overwhelmed. I got to a point where I was so far behind; I didn’t even know where to begin. So, I just stopped caring and my grades reflected that…BAD IDEA! I focused on finding a job and I was successful. I found a great job and I truly enjoyed what I did and who I worked with. Summer vacation came around again, and this time I was having a lot of fun making Salt Lake City my home. Unfortunately, that “great” job didn’t provide a great amount of hours, thus didn’t pay a great amount of money either. I was always stressed about paying my portion of bills, rent and groceries. That is when I finally decided to talk to my momma about all the things that were going on and discuss some options…GREAT IDEA! Whenever I do not know what to do, I just call up my momma and she can always help.
So, now here I am in Phoenix, Arizona! My parents moved here shortly after I moved to Utah and I made the decision to move back “home”. I am excited about all the possibilities this fantastically warm state has in store for me. I miss a lot of things and people about Utah, but when it comes down to it, I really think this was the smartest move for me at the time. I am, in a way, able to start all over. New surroundings, new people and a whole new me! Life, you sure got me good, but now I am getting you back! Move aside, here I come!